LS -91 BIOLOGY 2018

Q-1. In majority of nephrons, the loop of Henle is too short and extends only very little into the medulla. Such nephrons are called as cortical nephrons. In some of the nephrons, the loop of Henle is very long and runs deep into the medulla. These nephrons are called as juxtamedullary nephrons.

Kangaroo rats. It is a U-shaped .

Q-2 The proximal tubule also completes the reabsorption of glucose, amino acids, and important anions, including phosphate and citrate, because it is the sole site of transport of these filtered solutes. In addition to solute reabsorption and secretion, the proximal tubule is also a metabolic organ

The principal function of the loop of Henle is in the recovery of water and sodium chloride from urine. This function allows production of urine that is far more concentrated than blood, limiting the amount of water needed as intake for survival.

Collecting ducts are the last opportunity to resorb H2O and concentrate urine before they lead urine to the minor calyces. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH, from the hypothalamus) directs the collecting ducts to concentrate urine.

Q-3 Angina--A type of chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart.

Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones (congenital hypothyroidism). Congenital hypothyroidism can be endemic, genetic, or sporadic.

Emphysema is a lung condition that causes shortness of breath. In people with emphysema, the air sacs in the lungs (alveoli) are damaged. Over time, the inner walls of the air sacs weaken and rupture — creating larger air spaces instead of many small ones

A condition in which a person's airways become inflamed, narrow and swell and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe.

Q-4 Cartilaginous joints connect the shaft of long bones with their ends, or the right and the left hip bones, or the sternum to the anterior ends of the ribs, or the adjacent vertebrae in the vertebral column




Q-8. Extinction of a particular animal or plant species occurs when there are no more individuals of that species alive anywhere in the world - the species has died out. This is a natural part of evolution

Q-9 Bateson and Punnett. Hint: Morgan and Castle proposed the 'Chromosomal Theory of Linkage' in 1911. Complete answer:In 1911, T. H. Morgan and his co-researcher W.E. Castle made an experiment with Drosophila melanogaster. According to this theory, genes are arranged in a linear manner on a chromosome.


Q-11.  both 1or 2 are correct.

Q-12  *****Australian marsupials and placental mammals are suitable examples of adaptive radiation and convergent evolution.

Q-13. Antibodies are produced by specialized white blood cells called B lymphocytes (or B cells).

Q-14. A parasitic infection of the colon with the amoeba Entamoeba histolytica.

Amoebiasis infection is most common in tropical areas with untreated water. It spreads through drinking or eating uncooked food, such as fruit, that may have been washed in contaminated local water.






Q-22. The principle holding that in a warm-blooded animal species having distinct geographic populations, the limbs, ears, and other appendages of the animals living in cold climates tend to be shorter than in animals of the same species living in warm climates

Q- 23

Q24- Resorvire of phasphorous also known as "BED OF  ROCK"

Q26. Artificially acquired active immunity is protection produced by intentional exposure of a person to antigens in a vaccine, so as to produce an active and lasting immune response.

Q-27-Peripatus is a primitive arthropod having jointed paired legs, compound eyes and tracheas like other arthropods but also displays certain annelidan characteristics, such as worm-like segmented body, non-chitinous cuticle and segmental nephridia. Thus, it forms a connecting link between Annelida and Arthropoda.


Q29- Their most remarkable feature is their amazing snout. It looks like a duck's bill, but is actually quite soft and covered with thousands of receptors that help the platypus detect prey. Males are also venomous.

Q-30 Sponges have cellular-level organization, meaning that that their cells are specialized so that different cells perform different functions, but similar cells are not organized into tissues and bodies are a sort of loose aggregation of different kinds of cells.

The Coelenterates are aquatic, mostly marine organisms. The body is radially symmetrical and exhibit a tissue-level organization. Their mouth is surrounded by sensory tentacles, which helps to capture their prey.

Annelids have a coelom, closed circulatory system, excretory system, and complete digestive system. They also have a brain

They exhibit organ system level of organization. Most members have a circulatory system as well as a digestive system. They are triploblastic and have a coelomic cavity.

Q-31 Placoid scales are the tiny, tough scales that cover the skin of elasmobranches, or cartilaginous fish—this includes sharks, rays, and other type of  scales.

Q32-Lungfish are freshwater vertebrates belonging to the order Dipnoi. Lungfish are best known


Q- 32 Polycarpellary (one carpel in Delphinium and 3 to 5 in Aconitum), apocarpous rarely syncarPedicellate, ebracteate rarely bracteate, hermaphrodite, (unisexual in Thalictrum). Mostly actinomorphic (Ranunculus) rarely zygomorphic (Delphinium and Aconitum) hypogynous, complete, pentamerous.pous (Nigella), ovary superior, marginal placentation (axile in Nigella).



Q35Poaceae or Gramineae are an economically important family of flowering plants. 

In Poaceae, the flowers are sessile (without stalk), bracteate (have bracts), bracteolate (have bracteoles), incomplete (flower lacking one or more of the normal flower parts), bisexual or unisexual (Maize), perianth is represented by membranous scales called lodicules, stamens are 3 and they are polyandrous (free), syncarpous (fused) and superior ovary (ovary attached to the receptacle above the attachment of other floral parts), stigmas are 2 and they are feathery.

So, the correct answer is 'Sessile, bracteate, bracteolate, incomplete unisexual or bisexual, perianth modified into lodicules, stamens three, syncarpous, superior ovary and feathery stigma'.

Q36An intermediary host is a host that harbours a parasite that primarily grows, but not to the point of reaching (sexual) maturity.

Ascaris doesn't have an intermediary host and completes its life cycle in a single host i.e. humans.

The intermediate host in the case of tapeworm may be fish, pork, beef etc. 

The intermediate host in the case of liver fluke is a mud snail.

The intermediate host in the case of Plasmodium is the female Anopheles mosquito.

Q-37 Teredo --Food obtained by filter feeding is the main source of C and N for the shipworm. 

Oysters--- are low-calorie and high in micronutrients, making them a healthy food for many people. Many of the specific health benefits of oysters are tied to their abundant array of micronutrients. The impressive amount of vitamin B12 makes them a natural choice for keeping your brain healthy.

Cuttlefish-- are used by humans as food, as a source of ink, and for the cuttlebone, a dietary supplement providing calcium for cage birds. The modern cuttlefish appeared in the Miocene Epoch (which began about 23 million years ago) and is derived from a belemnite-like ancestor.

Mussels--They can be boiled, smoked, steamed, roasted, fried in butter or barbecued. Mussels are known as power food and are a big factor in red blood cell formation. They are a good source of zinc and folate. These are great for your immune system and help boost your mental function.

Q38.   Rice----(Oryza sativa), edible starchy cereal grain and the grass plant (family Poaceae) by which it is produced.

Wheat ---The three principal types of wheat used in modern food production are Triticum vulgare (or aestivum), T. durum, and T. compactum.

Ground nut-----Arachis hypogaea L., commonly known as peanut, groundnut, monkey nut, goober, or earth nut because the seed develop underground, is in the division Papiolionaceae of the family Leguminosae.

Ashwagandha----Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera, fam. Solanaceae) is commonly known as “Indian Winter cherry” or “Indian Ginseng”.



Q-41-Filariasis is an infectious tropical disease caused by any one of several thread-like parasitic round worms. The two species of worms most often associated with this disease are Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi. The larval form of the parasite transmits the disease to humans by the bite of a mosquito.

Q42Millipedes are usually cylindrical (sometimes slightly flattened). Except for the first three trunk segments, each segment has two pairs of short legs. Millipedes are found in damp places such as the soil, leaf litter, or under logs and stones. Most millipedes are beneficial scavengers of decaying plant material


Q 44 Enzymatic disaggregation can be carried out by using trypsin, collagenase or some other enzymes. Disaggregation by trypsin: The term trypsinization is commonly used for disaggregation of tissues by the enzyme, trypsin.

Q45. Recombinant DNA is the general name for a piece of DNA that has been created by the combination of at least two strands. Recombinant DNA molecules are sometimes called chimeric DNA, because they can be made of material from two different species, like the mythical chimera. So, the correct answer is 'Recombinant DNA.

Q46 Laminar air flow systems are used in various applications such as life science research, mushroom cultivation, microbiology, IVF, IUI and histopathology / pathology lab, plant tissue and cell culture and pharmaceutical and electronics industry and many more.

Air filtration: Pre-Filter - 10 microns (washable); HEPA filter (0.3 Microns)

Standard fittings: Air / gas cock; Mains on/off switch; Light on/off switch; UV Light on/off ...

Air velocity: 0.45 m/s to 0.65 m/s

Q-47 DNA finger printing is also called as DNA profiling. It is a laboratory technique used to identify the individuals with the characteristics of their DNA. It is used to solve some crime mysteries like murder, rape etc. Usually, the samples (e.g., blood, semen,saliva) that are available for the testing are small. Hence, polymerase chain reaction is used to amplify the amount of DNA present in the sample. Hence, the assertion is correct. 

DNA fingerprints have an inheritable quality. The pattern types of the DNA fingerprints are often genetically inherited from the parents to the offsprings. Hence, the DNA fingerprint resembles that of parents. The reason is correct but it is not a correct explanation of the assertion

DNA finger printing was discovered by Alec Jeffreys. 

Kary Mullis invented the PCR technique.

C. Milstein invented hybridomas.

Dr. Paul Berg developed recombinant DNA techniques.


s sugar-rich nectar collected by bees from a wide variety of flowers. Fructose is the main sugar found in honey, followed by glucose and sucrose. The sweet taste of honey is attributed to its higher fructose content, and fructose is known to be sweeter than glucose or sucrose.

Q 49. NOTE-- according to uk it considered 1972

but according india it mention 1986 

The Noise Pollution and Abatement Act of 1972 is a statute of the United States initiating a federal program of regulating noise pollution with the intent of protecting human health and minimizing annoyance of noise to the general public

Q50. Primary succession begins with soil formation. The first stage of succession involves pioneer species. In primary succession, pioneer plants are those that can grow without soil, such as lichens. Lichens begin breaking down a rock.

The first organisms to appear in areas of primary succession are often mosses or lichens. These organisms are known as pioneer species because they are the first species present; pioneer species must be hardy and strong, just like human pioneers


Q52Carbon Dioxide Emissions. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities. In 2020, CO2 accounted for about 79% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from human activities

Q53 It involves soaking the hides in baths containing acidic salts until they are ready for the next step, chrome tanning. The bath includes chromium tanning agents and the acidity of the bath is decreased until the surface of the hides starts absorbing the chromium agents.

Q-54. Amoeboid movement is the most typical mode of locomotion in adherent eukaryotic cells. It is a crawling-like type of movement accomplished by protrusion of cytoplasm of the cell involving the formation of pseudopodia ("false-feet") and posterior uropods

Q55 .In contrast, the second form is gastrodermis (endodermis), with a mesoglia which is jelly-like filling the area between the two tissue layers.


Q56. Male reproductive organs consist of testes, vasa efferentia, vas deferens, cirrus or penis and cirrus sac.

Q57. One testis and one ovary. Hint: Ascaris belongs to the class Nematoda and is unisexual. Females are wide about 20-40 cm long, whereas males are thinner about 15-30 cm long. At the posterior end, female worms are straight while males are hooked.

Monorchism is the state of having only one testicle, within the scrotum and the individual having monorchism is monorchid. Monorchism is observed in Ascaris.

Q58  The circular muscle is a thin and continuous layer present around the body and consists of the porphyrin pigment present in it. The contraction of the circular muscle makes the body long and narrow. The longitudinal muscle on the other hand is thicker.

Q59-- The food bolus in the mesenteron is enveloped by a porous, mesh like membrane called peritrophic membrane which is secreted by the glandular cells of anterior part of the mesenteron. Peritrophic membrane protects the wall of mesenteron from hard food particles.

Q60The salivary glands are not present in the frog instead there are mucous glands which moist the buccal cavity and the tongue of the frog, thus the option “3 pair” is incorrect. Salivary glands in frog are absent.

Q-61. canine teeth not found on rabbit.

Mammals ( rabbit, mouse and horse) have no renal portal system.

The renal portal system is found only in fishes, amphibians (frog), reptiles and birds. Mammals ( rabbit, mouse and horse) have no renal portal system.

In birds only the right arch is present in adults, and in mammals only the left arch is present in adults.

Q-62-Rabbits are the small mammals. Different glands are present for the protection of the eye. Some are paired and some are unpaired glands. Meibomian is not a paired gland whereas lacrymal and harderian glands are paired.

Cowper's glands are pea sized glands present inferior to the prostate gland in the male reproductive system. They produce thick clear mucus prior to ejaculation that drains into the spongy urethra.

The Harderian gland is a gland found within the eye's orbit that occurs in tetrapods (reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals) that possess a nictitating membrane.



blastula, hollow sphere of cells, or blastomeres, produced during the development of an embryo by repeated cleavage of a fertilized egg. The cells of the blastula form an epithelial (covering) layer, called the blastoderm, enclosing a fluid-filled cavity, the blastocoel.

gastrula, early multicellular embryo, composed of two or more germinal layers of cells from which the various organs later derive. The gastrula develops from the hollow, single-layered ball of cells called a blastula which itself is the product of the repeated cell division, or cleavage, of a fertilized egg.

A neurula is a vertebrate embryo at the early stage of development in which neurulation occurs. The neurula stage is preceded by the gastrula stage; consequentially, neurulation is preceded by gastrulation. Neurulation marks the beginning of the process of organogenesis.

the quality of a crystallized substance or rock of splitting along definite planes also : the occurrence of such splitting. b : a fragment (as of a diamond) obtained by splitting. 2 : the action of cleaving or splitting : the state of being cleft.


Q-66-Pronephros are the functional kidney of a frog tadpole. Pronephric cells (of the tadpole) undergo apoptosis and their function is replaced by mesonephros which becomes the functional kidney of the adult frog. Metanephors are the embryonic kidney in vertebrates. Archinephros is an ancestral vertebrate kidney found in hagfish larvae.

Q67-Chorion (Serosa)

: Chorion is a very thin membrane and it covers the embryo and other extra-embryonic membranes. It is formed by the fusion of the amniotic folds over the embryo. All these extra-embryonic membranes are composite structures as they involve two germ layers.


Q-69The luteal phase (also called the secretory phase)

The luteal phase is dominated by the actions of progesterone.

Q70 Phototropism is the ability of the plant to re-orient the shoot growth towards a direction of light source. Phototropism is important to plants as it enhances the ability of plants to optimize their photosynthetic capacity.

Q 71-

Q-72 The upward movement of water in a plant towards the stem and leaves is called ascent of sap. The upward movement of water in a plant towards the stem and leaves is called ascent of sap.
